Piano in the Streets: A Photo Story

An Album of the many cities I've played my traveling piano on the streets

Playing in Grants Pass, Oregon

Santa Cruz Street Piano

Santa Cruz, CA

Hermosa Beach Street Piano Los Angeles

Hermosa Beach, CA

las vegas street piano

Las Vegas, NV

san francisco street piano street

San Francisco, CA

santa fe street piano

Santa Fe, New Mexico

austin texas street piano

Austin, Texas

new orleans street piano

New Orleans, LA

san francisco piano street

San Francisco, CA

piano on the streets of Venice Beach Piano street

Venice Beach, CA

playing piano in NYC Streets

New York City, NY

New York CIty Union Square

New York City

New York City

NYC with 2 pianos

san antonio texas

San Antonio, Texas

santa cruz

Santa Fe, New Mexico

new orleans

See the New Orleans Photo Album


LOVE Park in Philadelphia

See the Philadelphia Photo Album

Miami Florida

Miami, Florida

Seattle Washington

Seattle Washington

;portland first thursday

Portland Oregon: First Thursday

Portland Oregon

Portland Oregon

Portland Oregon


Madison Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin

Berkley CA

Berkley California

San Fran

San Francisco, CA

Salt Lake City, UTah

Salt Lake City

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

Virginia City Montana

Virginia City, MT


Washington DC

washington dc

Washington DC